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Did you know having a yearly eye exam is an easy and important way to protect not only your eyes, but your overall health? It may surprise you to learn that a routine eye exam can help detect signs of serious health conditions, like diabetes, a brain tumor and high cholesterol.  A vision insurance policy covers both exams and vision correction offering affordable, low copays and discounted fees when you obtain vision care.

The Eye is a Unique Window into Health

Because symptoms of health conditions often don't appear until damage has already occurred, eye exams are a great way to watch what's happening in your body. Your eyes are the only place in your body that provide a clear view of your blood vessels, arteries, and a cranial nerve which can tell your doctor a lot about your overall health.

Vision is an important part of your individual health insurance package and we will help you find the best plan to meet your needs.  

A group vision plan costs just a few dollars per month and is available to employer groups with 2 or more employees, either as an employer-paid or voluntary group benefit.

Let’s find the right vision plan together.  Contact us to learn about your options. 

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